Thank you for taking the time to register your association. The Alabama Sports Officials Foundation is providing this service to help recruit new officials for any sport and any level. We want to help people that are just deciding to start officiating all the way to someone looking to get into college officiating and beyond.
Step 1:
Don’t worry, it’s not hard. We’ve made this easy so you can concentrate on getting a call right.
From our home page (clicking this page will open a new tab so you can still see the instructions) click on the + Add Listing in the top right of the page (image below).

From there you will be asked to register if you haven’t already. We recommend this be an officer or someone from your association that can answer the many questions a new official may have. The listing will show your email address that you may be contacted at or someone looking for an association may decide to send you a message via the site. If that’s the case, you’ll receive a message in your email alerting you to check the site for messages.
Step 2:
Register for an account.
If you don’t have an account, you can click the Register link and fill in the information. By default, you’ll need an email and password. You’ll have to verify your email so use one you have access to and can receive messages from our site. We will not spam you, this is so you will be alerted when someone is looking for a group in your area and would like more information. Once you verify your account, sign in and add your association.
Step 3:
On the Add Details page, is where you will input the details for your association or group.
The category is the sport your group officiates. If you don’t see the sport, please send us a message via the contact us link.
Once you select a sport, you’ll have a chance to select the levels you work at. This is another way for someone to search and/or decide if this is the right group for them.
Images could be a logo for your association or you can just leave it blank as it’s optional. If you include a picture, it will be shown on your listing when people look for your group.
Title: This should be the name of your association/group
Location: is the city your group is located in. This is important as the system will let someone search for groups in a particular area if the person chooses to. When you start typing the city, the page will suggest cities to choose from.
Contact: This is the person that they will be contacting in the association. Hopefully, this is you. If not, have that person complete this listing so they will receive the information when requested.
County: This is the county your group is located in or works the majority of their games in. This is just another way someone could search for you.
Phone number: this is optional but if you choose to enter it, it’s just another way for someone to contact you.
Email Address: This is a way someone can email any questions or interest in joining if they choose to not send a message via the site.
Website: This is your association website if you have one.
Description: This is the section where you can tell someone about your group. Put as much info in here as you can. Maybe the area you work, the sports levels you work, how many members you have, or anything that will encourage them to give it a try. Imagine you are new and want to get started. Anything you can think of that will help them, this is the place for it.
Step 4:
Click the submit listing button at the bottom and your listing will be submitted for review. We may contact you if we have questions but for the most part, it should be approved without contact from us. Don’t worry, you can always come back and change something if you need to. Thanks to replay, we get to take a second look at it now.
click your name on the top right and you will see the listings section. This will show the status of your listing. Once it’s approved, you can click the name and edit any of the info you need.
Also on this page is settings where you can change your personal details including your password or you can delete your account here also.